Photograph sent by Ram Rahman:

You gotta love this. If you are brown, in or around London, don't carry a rucksack/backpack or wear a large coat. And definitely don't run with any of the aforementioned items in hand onto a bus or attempt to get onto a train. You are asking to be harassed.
I am apalled by this. The thing that gets me the most is about “looking a bit foreign.” Hello! London is quite likely the most cosmopolitan city in the world [thanks to their colonial past, but that's another post]. Are they going to stop just everyone who isn't WHITE and interrogate them? I called this a long time ago when this whole Iraq mess was brewing; the civil liberties of brown and non-white people was going to take a major hit. And it's happening. Slowly but surely our travel will be restricted, our intentions questioned and lives rebuked.
I was listening to Rush Limbaugh on the way into work [gotta know what the neo-conservative muckymucks are talking about right?] and Roger Hedgecock who is sitting in for ol' Rush took a phone call from some butthead in Orange County who has worked up some sort of legislation to make profiling of “Puerto Ricans and Blacks” legal! Amazingly, Mr. Hedgecock let the guy ramble on and on and then agreed with him in the end. The parochial nature of these nationally syndicated talk-shows really worries me.
Anyone else feel marginalized?
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