Via Mahesh Bhat

Reza, the Paris-based, Iranian photojournalist writes:
Dear Qasim [sic]
Your action brings in my mind a Persian saying :
“All the darkness of the world together can not extinguish the light of a small candle”
Yes the world and it's decision makers has forgotten many devasted nations, but all is needed in this era of communication and media is one person like you, “one small candle,” that will break all the darkness.
Great work , continue.
All my thoughts with you and Keshmiri people .
Warmest regards,
Reza is talking about Asim Rafiqui's dark and gripping images from those areas of Pakistan affected by the earthquake.
In Asim's own hand:
Dear friends,
The tragedy in Pakistan's northern areas and Kashmir continues to unfold though less in the media's eye today than perhaps a couple of weeks ago. Regardless, the situation remains dire and a major donor conference is about to begin to address the threat of the coming himalayan winter. I am continuing my work here in Pakistan and some of my initial images of the situation are now online here.
(Select top picture to see the full set – images are being uploaded every few days)
This is still a work in progress and I will be in the Kashmir region for another couple of weeks at least. Please feel free to share the work with your friends as a way to keep this issue on their minds and in their hearts.
Nothing I write, nothing I photograph can capture what I have seen here. I am currently working in Balakot. The only way to describe that city is to image what an urban center would look like if a giant road rolling machine drove over it. 7 seconds that have devasteted over 3 million people, killed nearly 20,000 school age children alone, and thousands of bodies are still lying under rubble.
More soon,