See below for the number one reason for not posting here as often as I have [grin]. My wife and I are now very proud and happy parents of a healthy baby boy. Rohan arrived on April 24, weighing in at 7.1 lbs. He is pretty tall at 21.5 inches.
Every day is a new day, full of activities. Nothing else matters now. Will try and post here as often as I can, but my fatherly duties simply take precedence.

Congrats on the new addition to your family :)
Congrats on the new addition to your family :)
Wow! He looks handsome! Congratulations to you and your family! :)
Wow! He looks handsome! Congratulations to you and your family! :)
Congrats !!
Congrats !!
GAH! That’s what I wanted to name my kid!!!!! (If I ever had one that is.)(Insert Seinfeld jokes here.)
You psychically stole my idea. :-D!
But Congratulations! It could not have been stolen for a cuter baby. :-)
GAH! That’s what I wanted to name my kid!!!!! (If I ever had one that is.)(Insert Seinfeld jokes here.)
You psychically stole my idea. :-D!
But Congratulations! It could not have been stolen for a cuter baby. :-)
Thanks all – it’s really a pleasure to be in his company. He is only five days old so doesn’t have a personality as such yet. Looking forward to those changes soon. Ok, gotta get back to diaper duty …
Thanks all – it’s really a pleasure to be in his company. He is only five days old so doesn’t have a personality as such yet. Looking forward to those changes soon. Ok, gotta get back to diaper duty …
Congrats, new baby new photo ops.
Congrats, new baby new photo ops.
Congratulations. Welcome to the world of ‘Infantry’.
Congratulations. Welcome to the world of ‘Infantry’.
Congratulations… a baby boomlet, I swear.. look to my left, look to my right… babies everywhere..
Us single folks are being marginalized
Congratulations… a baby boomlet, I swear.. look to my left, look to my right… babies everywhere..
Us single folks are being marginalized
Congrats Sheshu! He looks sweet and adorable.
I have become a first time father 7 months ago and I totally agree with you that everyday is a new day watching the baby grow in front of your eyes.
And believe me you will want to post about your experiences and we will be happy to read.
Congrats Sheshu! He looks sweet and adorable.
I have become a first time father 7 months ago and I totally agree with you that everyday is a new day watching the baby grow in front of your eyes.
And believe me you will want to post about your experiences and we will be happy to read.
Congratulations! He looks adorable! Wishing you much happiness and joy as you enter this new stage in life.
All the best!
Congratulations! He looks adorable! Wishing you much happiness and joy as you enter this new stage in life.
All the best!
Congrats !! Welcome to parent’s club.
Congrats !! Welcome to parent’s club.