I have extolled the virtues of having a designer design your web site. If you are interested in other ways of branding, perhaps a logo, there are artists (not
necessarily starving) would be happy to come up with something that is all you! For example, the logo on the upper left corner of this page is by Arindam Mukherjee. I was curious to know who had inspired him.
“Of late, I miss R.K. Laxman's cartoons on the Times of India's web site. Laxman retired from TOI recently after tickling India's funny bone with his sharp cartoons for decades. The baton now seems to have been passed to Ajit Ninan; my pick for India's best and funniest. Ninan, whom I admire and got the chance to work with at India Today, uses form, color and lines to his maximum advantage. My early days as a cartoonist has gone emulating Ninan's style. Here, I tried to do a Ninan with Kerry and Flip-flops.”

In the spirit of journalistic fairness Arindam promises me that he is working on an illustration depicting W. If you enjoy Arindam's work, please consider hiring him on. I think he is fantastic!
laxman has not retired yet.I’m waiting for him to be.
laxman has not retired yet.I’m waiting for him to be.