This site is a labor of love, but sometimes it is nice to get paid. Instead of begging for your support, I have set up an online store where you get to buy some amazing books and in return I earn a small commission. You win, I win, everybody smiles.
So here is it – Tiffinkart.
If you have any issues with your purchase, please take it up with our friends at Amazon. I am sure they will be only too happy to sort it out. Most people, however, will have no trouble with their orders. Order through the link above and I'll get a nice fat check every month [I am allowed to do a little day dreaming.]
Why this sudden urge to go capitalistic? I have my eye on one of these and I need to find a legal way to pay for it. So, help a brotha out.
Do you get a cut if I buy a used book?
Do you get a cut if I buy a used book?
That’s a good question. I am not really sure, but let me check. You could always buy something through Tiffinkart and I can let you know if I see a credit to my account. Thanks Shashwati!
That’s a good question. I am not really sure, but let me check. You could always buy something through Tiffinkart and I can let you know if I see a credit to my account. Thanks Shashwati!